Politique de confidentialité
Effective Date/Last Updated: 11/27/2024
Chez Crunch, on respecte ta vie privée. On prend les mesures pour que seuls les employés qui ont besoin de consulter tes renseignements personnels dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions y aient accès. Lorsqu’on communique tes renseignements personnels à des tiers, on prend des mesures raisonnables pour que les règles de la présente politique soient respectées et ces tiers fournissent des garanties suffisantes quant à la mise en œuvre des mesures techniques et organisationnelles appropriées. Crunch ne vend sa liste de membres à aucun organisme ou compagnie ni ne l’échange avec quiconque. En cas de changement de propriété, de vente, de fusion, de liquidation, de réorganisation ou d’acquisition de Crunch, en tout ou en partie, tes renseignements personnels pourraient être transférés dans le cadre de la transaction et pour les mêmes fins.
Collecte des renseignements
On recueille tes renseignements personnels de plusieurs façons, entre autres lorsque tu saisis des renseignements sur notre site web, achètes un produit ou un service, t’abonnes à une infolettre, communiques avec nous par téléphone ou par courriel, ou publies du contenu sur nos comptes de médias sociaux. Selon les circonstances, les renseignements personnels peuvent comprendre nom, adresse postale, code postal, courriel, numéro de téléphone, et si tu acceptes, certaines autres informations. Si tu fournis ton numéro de cellulaire, tu consens à recevoir des messages texte et confirmes que tu es le détenteur du numéro de cellulaire fourni. Ton consentement n’est pas une acceptation d’acheter un produit ou un service offert et pourra être révoqué en tout temps en répondant « STOP » à un message texte. Des frais peuvent s’appliquer selon ton forfait cellulaire. Tu pourras à tout moment retirer ton consentement à recevoir des courriels en cliquant sur le bouton « se désabonner » au bas de ceux-ci. Crunch recueille uniquement les renseignements dont il a besoin pour pouvoir offrir ses produits et services. On ne communique d’aucune façon tes renseignements à des tiers, sauf si tu y consens ou si on est requis de le faire par la loi ou pour la protection du public.
Conservation des renseignements
Tes renseignements personnels peuvent être stockés et traités dans tout pays où on a des installations Crunch ou dans lesquels nous engageons des fournisseurs de services tiers. En utilisant le site web, tu consens au transfert de renseignements dans les pays autres que ton pays de résidence, où les règles de protection des renseignements peuvent être différentes de celles de ton pays. Lorsque des renseignements se trouvent à l’extérieur du Canada, ils sont assujettis aux lois du pays où ils se trouvent et peuvent faire l’objet d’une communication aux gouvernements, aux tribunaux ou aux organismes d’application de la loi et de règlement du pays en question, conformément à ses lois. Toutefois, nos pratiques concernant tes renseignements personnels demeurent en tout temps régies par la présente politique. Crunch a instauré plusieurs mesures de protection physiques, administratives et techniques visant à protéger la confidentialité et la sécurité des renseignements personnels qu’on détient. Tu verras notamment un petit cadenas verrouillé apparaissant sur la fenêtre du navigateur, dès que tu cliques sur une page te demandant d’entrer tes coordonnées. Cette page t’indique que tu effectues une opération protégée par le protocole SSL. Toutefois, aucune mesure de sécurité n’est absolue ou entièrement garantie. Crunch conserve tes renseignements personnels aussi longtemps que nécessaire aux fins décrites dans la présente politique; notamment nécessaire pour se conformer à nos obligations légales, régler les différends et exécuter les contrats avec
Utilisation et communication des renseignements
Certaines données financières pourront t’être demandées si tu fais un achat en ligne. Les renseignements que tu auras à fournir ton nom, prénom, adresse postale et numéro de carte de crédit. Ils permettront de procéder à l’autorisation d’achat. Ce type de données particulièrement sensibles, tel votre numéro de carte de crédit, est encodé et hautement protégé pendant la transmission. Crunch ne prend pas connaissance des numéros de carte de crédit ni ne les conserve sur son serveur.
On utilise et communique tes renseignements personnels principalement :
•pour exploiter, maintenir, améliorer et offrir toutes les fonctionnalités du site web, fournir les services et l’information que tu demandes, répondre aux commentaires et aux questions, partager des promotions ou offres exclusives et fournir du soutien aux utilisateurs du site web; •pour comprendre et analyser les tendances d’utilisation et les préférences de nos utilisateurs, améliorer le site web et créer de nouveaux produits et services et de nouvelles caractéristiques et fonctionnalités; •pour te transmettre des communications conformément à la loi; •à toute fin autre permise ou requise par la loi.
Mise à jour
Puisque notre politique peut changer au fil du temps, on te suggère de revenir la lire périodiquement afin de t’assurer de la façon dont on traite tes renseignements personnels. En utilisant notre site web et nos services, tu acceptes tacitement nos termes et conditions ainsi que notre politique de confidentialité. Si on devait changer notre politique, elle serait publiée sur cette page, avec la date de mise à jour, afin que tu sois toujours à l’affut des renseignements qu’on recueille, l’utilisation qu’on en fait et les circonstances dans lesquelles ils peuvent être divulgués. Si malgré le changement tu continues d’utiliser le site web et nos services, tu indiques que tu as lu, compris et en acceptes la version modifiée.
Utilisation de cookies
Crunch utilise des cookies afin d’améliorer son site web et ton expérience. Les cookies permettent de retenir notamment la région ou l’adresse du gym que tu aurais choisie lors de ta dernière visite, en en conservant la présélection pour la suivante. Si tu choisis de désactiver tous les cookies de ton navigateur, tu perdras l’accès à certaines fonctionnalités optimisant ton expérience d’utilisateur. En utilisant le site web, tu acceptes tacitement l’utilisation des cookies.
Protection des enfants
Sur notre site, on s’engage à créer un environnement sécuritaire pour les enfants. Lorsqu’on recueille les renseignements personnels des utilisateurs, on les informe qu’ils doivent avoir 18 ans ou un consentement parental pour fournir ces renseignements. On encourage les parents à superviser leurs enfants lorsqu’ils naviguent sur notre site ou sur tout autre site web.
Est-ce que cette politique de confidentialité s'applique au liens externes trouvés sur ce site web?
Si tu cliques sur un lien du site web qui t’amène à l’extérieur du site de Crunch, on t’encourage à lire leur politique de confidentialité qui peut différer de la nôtre. On ne se porte pas garant ni responsable du contenu des sites externes ou de leur politique.
Contacter Crunch
Si tu as des questions concernant la politique de confidentialité, d’autres parties de notre site web ou nos gyms, n’hésite pas à nous contacter. Tes commentaires sont toujours les bienvenus et appréciés.
11. Children’s privacy
The Site is not directed to children under the age of eighteen (18) and the products and services on this Site are not intended for persons under the age of sixteen. We intend Crunch’s web pages for general audiences – we do not seek through our Site to gather PI from or about persons under sixteen years of age. If you inform us or we otherwise become aware that we have unintentionally received PI from an individual under the age of sixteen, we will delete this information from our records.
When we collect information for membership inquiry purposes, users are informed they must be at least 18 years of age or have parental consent to provide personally identifying information to us. We encourage parents to monitor children's Internet use to keep them safe while navigating Crunch.com and all other areas of the Internet.
If your child attends Kids Crunch, we collect certain personal information that you provide, as noted in Section 1, above.
12. Your Choices Regarding Your Personal Information
Access.Crunch respects your control over your information, and, upon request, we will confirm whether we hold or are processing PI that we have collected from you. You also have the right to amend or update inaccurate or incomplete PI, request deletion of your PI, or request that we no longer use it. Under certain circumstances, we may not be able to fulfill your request such as when it interferes with our regulatory obligations, affects legal matters, we cannot verify your identity, or it involves disproportionate cost or effort. Still, in any event, we will endeavor to respond to your request within forty five (45) days and provide you with an explanation if we are not able to comply with your request.
Please note that for PI we have obtained about you or received for processing on behalf of a separate, unaffiliated entity – which determined the means and purposes of processing - all such requests should be made directly to that entity. We will honor and support any instructions they provide us concerning your PI.
Cookies. For information on how to control cookies, please see section 6, above.
Mobile Phone Numbers. To opt out of our sharing your mobile phone number with our affiliates and related entities for their advertising purposes, contact us at privacy@crunch.com. Please note that you cannot opt out of our sharing your number with our service providers or subcontractors.
To opt out of our texting program, follow the instructions in the text or contact us at privacy@crunch.com.
e-Marketing Communications. To unsubscribe from any e-marketing communications we send you, follow the instructions in the communication or contact us at privacy@crunch.com.
Please note that even if you opt-out of promotional communications, we may still need to contact you with important transactional data about your account or membership. For example, even if you opt-out of promotional communications, we may still send you a notification of changes to, expiration of, or discontinuation of a program or class you are enrolled in.
You can always limit the information you provide to us, but if you choose not to provide certain requested information, you may be unable to access some of the services, offers, or content on the Site.
13. Applicable law
This Policy is governed by the internal substantive laws of New York, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Jurisdiction for any claims arising under or out of this Policy shall lie exclusively with the state and federal courts within New York. If any provision of this Policy is found to be invalid by a court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Policy, which shall remain in full force and effect.
14. Contact us
If you have questions or requests relating to this Policy or your PI, please contact us at www.crunchprivacy.com, which allows you to contact us online, or email us at privacy@crunch.com.
If you no longer want to receive marketing communications from us, you can opt-out of marketing by clicking on the unsubscribe link on any marketing email you receive or at https://info.crunch.com/hs/manage-preferences/unsubscribe-simple.
15. State Specific Notices: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Nevada, Oregon, Virginia, Utah and Texas
If you are a resident of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Nevada, Virginia, Utah, or Texas the following state specific provisions describe our policies and practices in accordance with the applicable state consumer data protection law regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information that we obtain about you when you access or use the Site, our mobile application, and Services or through other channels (e.g., phone and e-mail conversations, viewing our emails, when you visit our locations or attend our events, or through authorized services providers or third parties).
Capitalized terms used in the following state sections shall have the meanings set forth in the applicable state consumer data protection law. The other provisions of this Policy continue to apply except as modified by the state section applicable to you. Please read the relevant state section carefully before using the Site and Services or otherwise submitting your personal information to us.
Except as otherwise noted, any capitalized terms not defined in a state-specific section have the meaning set forth in the Policy and Terms of Use. With the exception of the California section, these state sections do not apply to personal information we obtain about you in a commercial or employment context.
By accessing or using the Site or Services, or otherwise submitting personal information to us, you indicate your understanding that the collection, use, and sharing of your information is subject to the terms of the relevant state section, the Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Use. If you do not consent to the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information as described, please do not use the Site or Services or otherwise provide us with such information.
Consumer Rights. These state-specific sections include rights you may have under the applicable state law and information on how to exercise them. Where permitted by law, we reserve the right to respond only to a verifiable request to exercise a right. A verifiable request may be made by any of the following:
• the Consumer who is the subject of the request,
• a Consumer on behalf of the Consumer’s minor child, or
• a natural person or person registered with the Secretary of State authorized to act on behalf of a Consumer, where permitted by applicable law.
If we request, you must provide sufficient information to verify your identity and/or authority to act on behalf of a Consumer. In general, we may ask you to provide identifying information that we already maintain about you or we may use a third-party verification service. In either event, we will try to avoid asking you for sensitive Personal Information to verify your identity. We may not be able to respond to your request if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and/or confirm the Personal Information relates to you. Please note that making a Consumer request does not require you to create an account with us.
Additionally, you will need to describe your request with sufficient detail to allow us to review, understand, assess, and respond. We will not use the Personal Information we collect from an individual to determine a verifiable request for any other purpose, except as required by law.
Fees. We reserve the right to charge a fee to process or respond to your request if it is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that a request warrants a fee, we will attempt to notify you as to why we made that decision and provide a cost estimate before completing your request. We will attempt to respond to a verifiable Consumer request within forty-five (45) days of receipt, but we may require up to ninety (90) days to respond, under which circumstances we will notify you of the need for an extension.
Response. If you have an account with us, we will deliver our written response to that account. If you do not have an account with us, we will deliver our written response by mail or electronically, at your option. Any disclosures we provide will only cover the 12-month period preceding the receipt of your verifiable Consumer request.
• California residents: With respect to Personal Information collected on and after January 1, 2022, and to the extent expressly permitted by applicable regulation, you may request that such disclosures cover a period beyond the 12 months referenced above, provided doing so would not be impossible or require a disproportionate effort by us.
Agents. Subject to certain limitations, you may authorize a natural person or a business registered with the applicable Secretary of State to act on your behalf with respect to exercising your rights under a state section. Unless you have provided the authorized agent with a qualifying power of attorney, you must provide your authorized agent with written permission (signed by you) to act on your behalf and verify their identity with us. We reserve the right to deny requests from persons or businesses claiming to be authorized agents that do not submit sufficient proof of their authorization. The following state- specific limitations apply to agents:
• Colorado: An agent may submit only a request to Opt Out of the processing of Personal Data concerning the Consumer for purposes of Targeted Advertising or the Sale of Personal Data.
• Connecticut: An agent may exercise only the right to Opt Out of processing of Personal Data concerning the Consumer for purposes of Targeted Advertising, the Sale of Personal Data, or Profiling in furtherance of solely automated decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning the consumer.
• Oregon: An agent may exercise only the right to Opt Out of processing of Personal Data concerning the Consumer for purposes of Targeted Advertising, the Sale of Personal Data, or Profiling.
• Texas: An agent may submit only a request to Opt Out of Targeted Advertising or the selling of Personal Data.
This Site recognizes and processes opt-out preference signals that indicate your intent to opt out of the processing of Personal Information for a Sale or Sharing (see CA rights), a Sale, and or Targeted Advertising.
“Shine the Light Law”: If you are a California resident, California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits you to request information regarding the disclosure of your Personal Information by Crunch to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes. Requests may be made one time per calendar year. If applicable, this information would include the categories of customer information and the names and addresses of those businesses with which we shared customer information for the immediately prior calendar year (e.g., requests made in 2018 will receive information regarding 2017 sharing activities). You may submit your request using the contact information at the end of this Policy.
California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”): The following CCPA section supplements and amends the Policy to disclose information about our data processing practices as required by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”). You can download a PDF version here. This CCPA Section applies solely to individuals who are residents of the State of California (“Consumers” or “you”).
1. Personal Information. The following chart includes the categories of Personal Information we may collect or have collected about California residents and, for each type of Personal Information collected, the categories of third parties to whom we may or have disclosed, Sold, or Shared that Personal Information in the preceding twelve (12) months.
We may add to the categories of Personal Information we collect and the purposes we may use it. In that case, we will inform you by posting an updated version of this CCPA section on the Site.
Please note that Personal Information does not include:
• Publicly available information from government records.
• Deidentified or aggregated Consumer information.
• Information excluded from the CCPA’s scope, such as certain health or medical information and other categories of information protected by different laws.
Under the CCPA, Sell means disclosing Personal Information for monetary or other valuable consideration. Share means disclosing Personal Information for purposes of Cross Contextual Behavioral Advertising regardless of consideration.
We may disclose, Sell, or Share your Personal Information for the purposes listed in Section 2, above, to the following categories of third parties:
• Our related entities, affiliates, or franchisees (e.g., for assistance with advertising, marketing or for their marketing purposes).
• Vendors who provide us with certain services (e.g., security, collections, background checks, benefits administration, fraud protection, app development, etc.)
• Service providers and contractors who collect or process information on our behalf (e.g., Site operation or hosting, fulfillment services, payment authorization and processing, email services, security, product and services customization, marketing and promotional services, website analytics, IT services, cloud storage). These third parties are not authorized to use or disclose Personal Information you provide to us on or through the Site for any purpose other than to perform the services designated by us.
• Third party advertising and marketing companies that assist us with creating marketing profiles, delivering targeted ads, etc.
• Third parties for their own advertising and marketing related purposes, including partner advertisers.
• Reseller and channel partners (e.g., when a reseller sells or provides referrals for Crunch Services and/or third-party partners offer bundles with Crunch Services)
• Business partners (e.g., as part of promotions or events).
• Professional advisors (e.g., lawyers, accountants, auditors, bankers, insurers).
• Social networks.
We may disclose your Personal Information to third parties, as necessary
• When needed by outside auditors and regulators.
• To comply with federal, state, or local laws.
• To comply with a civil, criminal, or regulatory inquiry, investigation, subpoena, or summons by federal, state, or local authorities.
• To cooperate with law enforcement agencies concerning conduct or activity that we reasonably and in good faith believe may violate federal, state, or local laws.
• To protect you, others, or us.
• To investigate allegations or claims and establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
• In connection with a merger or sale involving all or part of our Site or as part of a corporate reorganization, stock sale or other change of control. Personal Information that we have collected about may be disclosed to such entity as part of the due diligence process and will be transferred to such entity as one of the transferred assets.
Categories of Personal Information Collected | Categories of Parties to Whom We Disclose Personal Information | Categories of Parties with Whom We Sell/Share Personal Information (as those terms are defined by applicable law) |
Identifiers and other elements described in CA Civ Code Section 1798.80(e). | • Affiliates, direct or indirect affiliates or subsidiaries of our parent company. | • Affiliates, related entities, business or promotional partners. |
Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law including gender, age, medical conditions, disability. | • Affiliates, direct or indirect affiliates or subsidiaries of our parent company. | • Business or promotional partners. |
Commercial information. | • Affiliates, direct or indirect affiliates or subsidiaries of our parent company. | • Business or promotional partners. |
Internet or other electronic network activity. | • Affiliates, direct or indirect affiliates or subsidiaries of our parent company. | • Business or promotional partners. |
Geolocation data. | • Affiliates, direct or indirect affiliates or subsidiaries of our parent company. | • Business or promotional partners. |
Biometric information | • Vendors, contractors and service providers. | |
Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, or similar information. | • Affiliates, direct or indirect affiliates or subsidiaries of our parent company. | • Business or promotional partners. |
Education, Professional or Employment-related information. | • Affiliates, direct or indirect affiliates or subsidiaries of our parent company. | • Business or promotional partners. |
Sensitive information | • Affiliates, direct or indirect affiliates or subsidiaries of our parent company. | • Business or promotional partners. |
Children’s Personal Information. | • Affiliates, direct or indirect affiliates or subsidiaries of our parent company. | • Business or promotional partners. |
Consumer profile. | • Affiliates, direct or indirect affiliates or subsidiaries of our parent company. | • Business or promotional partners. |
2. Financial Incentive
Crunch offers free trials, guest passes and opportunities to participate in sweepstakes. While no purchase is necessary, we collect certain personal information which may include your name and email address. If you opt in to receive text messages from us, we will also collect your cell phone number. We use the personal information we collect for lead capture, marketing, research, and product development purposes. The financial incentive we provide in exchange for your personal information (e.g., free trial, guest pass, sweepstakes prize) is reasonably related to the value of your personal information to us. We calculate this value by determining the approximate return on membership enrollment and purchases, the expenses involved in providing the services or prizes and the expenses involved in offering and administering these activities and opportunities. You must opt in to receive a financial incentive (e.g., receive a free trial, guest pass or participate a sweepstakes) and you may opt out at any time by emailing privacy@crunch.com.
3. Your Consumer Rights and How to Exercise Them. The CCPA provides California Consumers with the following rights, subject to certain exceptions:
a. The Right to Opt Out of the Sale or Sharing of Your Personal Information.
a. In certain circumstances, we Sell or Share your Personal Information. To Opt Out of the Sale or Sharing of your Personal Information, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
b. This Site also recognizes and processes opt-out preference signals that indicate your intent to opt out of the Sale or Sharing of your Personal Information.
c. We do not have actual knowledge that we have Sold the PI of minors under the age of 16 years.
b. Sensitive Personal Information. We do not use or disclose your Sensitive Personal Information for purposes that, with limited exceptions, are not necessary to provide our products and services as are reasonably expected by an average Consumer requesting those goods and services.
c. Additional Rights:
(i) Right to Know. You have the right to request that we disclose the following to you as it relates to the 12-month period preceding the Company’s receipt of your request:
• The categories of Personal Information we have collected about you.
• The categories of sources from which the Personal Information was collected.
• The business or commercial purpose for collecting, Selling, or Sharing Personal Information.
• The categories of Personal Information we disclosed, Sold, or Shared for a business purpose.
• The categories of third parties to whom we disclosed, Sold or Shared Personal Information, by the category of Personal Information.
• The specific pieces of Personal Information we collected about you.
(ii) Right to Request Correction of Your Personal Information. You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate Personal Information we maintain about you.
(iii) Right To Request Deletion of Your Personal Information. You have the right to request that we delete Personal Information we collected or maintain about you. Upon receipt of a verifiable request and as required by the CCPA, we will delete and direct any Service Providers, Contractors, and Third Parties to delete your PI from their records.
Where we process your personal information based on your consent, you may withdraw it; however, we may be unable to provide certain Services.
To submit a California Consumer Rights request to Know, Delete, Correct or Withdraw Consent please contact us at (888) 415-1388 or please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
d. Nondiscrimination. We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your CCPA rights. For example, we generally will not provide you a different level or quality of goods or services if you exercise your rights under the CCPA.
The following Colorado section supplements and amends the Policy to disclose information about our data processing practices and your rights as required by the Colorado Privacy Act (“CPA”). This CPA section applies solely to individuals who are residents of the State of Colorado (“Consumers” or “you”).
1. Purposes for Collecting and Processing Your Personal Data.
Categories Personal Information Collected | Purposes for Collecting and Processing Your Personal Data |
Identifiers and other contact information such as your name, address, mobile phone number, unique personal identifier, online identifier, IP address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver’s license number, photo, signature, characteristics or description, bank account number, credit card number. | • To communicate with you by phone, email, or text message. |
Gender, pregnancy, age, mental or physical disability, medical condition, military or veteran status. | • To provide the information, products, and services you request. |
Commercial information such as services purchased, obtained, or considered or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies. | • To provide and operate our Site and Services, including managing your account. |
Internet or other electronic network activity such as browsing history, search history, and a consumer’s interaction with an internet website, application, or advertisement. | • To provide and operate our Site and Services, including managing your account. |
Geolocation data such as location information while using one of our apps. | • To communicate with you by phone, email, or text message. |
Biometric information | • To identify you; for security and fraud prevention; to provide and operate our Services. |
Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, or similar information such photos, identifiable information obtained about you while speaking with our customer service representatives on the telephone or CCTV footage. | • To communicate with you. |
Educational, professional or employment-related information. | • To communicate with you by phone, email, or text message. |
Children’s Personal Information. | • To communicate with you. |
Sensitive Data | • To communicate with you by phone, email, or text message. |
Consumer profile which may include inferences drawn from any of the information identified above to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences, characteristics, and behaviors. | • To provide analysis or valuable data back to our customers, users, and employees. |
2. Your Consumer Rights and How to Exercise Them.
Colorado Consumers have specific rights with respect to Personal Data we collect about them. Subject to verification and certain limitations, these rights include the following:
a. Disclosing and Selling Personal Data. Crunch Sells, as that term is defined by the CPA, and discloses your Personal Data to the categories of third parties listed in section 15.A.1, above. To opt out of the Sale of your Personal Data, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
b. Targeted Advertising. Crunch processes your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising. To opt out of the processing of your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
c. Profiling. We do not process Personal Data for Profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning a Consumer.
d. Additional Rights:
i. Right to Confirmation and Access. You have the right to request that we confirm whether we are processing your Personal Data and to access such data.
ii. Right to Request Correction of Your Personal Data. You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate Personal Data we maintain about you.
iii. Right To Request Deletion of Your Personal Data. You have the right to request that we delete Personal Data we collected or maintain about you.
iv. Right to Obtain a Copy. You have the right to obtain a copy of your Personal Data in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format up to two times in per calendar year.
Where we process your personal information based on your consent, you may withdraw it; however, we may be unable to provide certain Services.
To submit a request to Access, Correct, Delete, Obtain a Copy, or Withdraw Consent please contact the Company by calling (888) 415-1388 or please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
If we deny your request, you may appeal our decision by emailing privacy@crunch.com.
The following Connecticut section supplements and amends the Policy to disclose information about our data processing practices and your rights as required by the Connecticut Act Concerning Personal Data Privacy and Online Monitoring (CTDPA). This CTDPA section applies solely to individuals who are residents of the State of Connecticut (“Consumers” or “you”).
1. Your Consumer Rights and How to Exercise Them.
Crunch collects from Connecticut residents the categories of Personal Data set forth in Sections 1 and 15.A.1.
Connecticut Consumers have specific rights with respect to Personal Data we collect about them. Subject to verification and certain limitations, these rights include the following:
a. Disclosing and Selling Your Personal Data. Crunch Sells, as that term is defined by the CTDPA, and discloses your Personal Data to the categories of third parties listed in section 15.A.1, above. To opt out of the Sale of your Personal Data, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
b. Targeted Advertising. Crunch processes your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising. To opt out of our processing your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
c. Profiling. We do not process Personal Data for Profiling in furtherance of solely automated decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning a Consumer.
d. Additional Rights:
i. Right to Confirmation and Access. You have the right to request that we confirm whether we are processing your Personal Data and to access such data.
ii. Right to Request Correction of Your Personal Data. You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate Personal Data we maintain about you.
iii. Right To Request Deletion of Your Personal Data. You have the right to request that we delete Personal Data we collected or maintain about you.
iv. Right to Obtain a Copy. You have the right to obtain a copy of your Personal Data in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format where the processing is carried out by automated means.
Where we process your personal information based on your consent, you may withdraw it; however, we may be unable to provide certain Services.
To submit a request to Access, Correct, Delete, Obtain a Copy, or Withdraw Consent please contact the Company by calling (888) 415-1388 or please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
If we deny your request, you may appeal our decision by emailing privacy@crunch.com.
The following Nevada section supplements and amends the Policy to disclose information about our data processing practices and your rights as required by NRS 603A. This section applies solely to individuals who are residents of the State of Nevada (“Consumers” or “you”).
Nevada law requires that we notify Nevada Consumers of their right to submit a verified request instructing us not to Sell any of the Covered Information we have collected or will collect about them through our Site.
To submit your request, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
Please note that we do not Sell Consumer Covered Information. For purposes of this section, Sell means the exchange of Covered Information for monetary consideration by us to a person who will license or sell that information to additional persons. Covered information means a name, physical address, email address, phone number, Social Security number, an identifier that allows you to be contacted physically or online, and any other information collected from you through the Site in combination with an identifier that makes the person’s information personally identifiable.
The following Oregon section supplements and amends the Policy to disclose information about our data processing practices and your rights as required by the Oregon Consumer Protection Act (“OCPA”). This OCPA section applies solely to individuals who are residents of the State of Oregon (“Consumers” or “you”).
1. Your Consumer Rights and How to Exercise Them.
Crunch collects from Oregon residents the categories of Personal Data set forth in Sections 1 and 15.A.1.
Oregon Consumers have specific rights with respect to Personal Data we collect about them. Subject to verification and certain limitations, these rights include the following:
a. Disclosing and Selling Your Personal Data. Crunch Sells, as that term is defined by the OCPA, your Personal Data to the categories of third parties listed in section 15.A.1, above. To opt out of the Sale of your Personal Data, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
b. Targeted Advertising. Crunch processes your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising. To opt out of our processing your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
c. Profiling. We do not process Personal Data for Profiling in furtherance of solely automated decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning a Consumer.
d. Additional Rights:
i. Right to Confirmation. You have the right to request that we confirm whether we are processing your Personal Data.
ii. Right to Request Correction of Your Personal Data. You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate Personal Data we maintain about you.
iii. Right To Request Deletion of Your Personal Data. You have the right to request that we delete Personal Data we collected or maintain about you.
iv. Right to Obtain a Copy. You have the right to obtain a copy of your Personal Data in a format that to the extent technically feasible, is portable and readily usable format, and allows you to transmit the data to another controller without impediment, where the processing is carried out by automated means.
To submit a request to Access, Correct, Delete or Obtain a Copy, please contact the Company by calling (888) 415-1388 or please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
Where we process your personal information based on your consent, you may withdraw it; however, we may be unable to provide certain Services.
If we deny your request, you may appeal our decision by emailing privacy@crunch.com.
The following Utah section supplements and amends the Policy to disclose information about our data processing practices and your rights as required by the Utah Consumer Privacy Act (“UCPA”). This UCPA section applies solely to individuals who are residents of the State of Utah (“Consumers” or “you”).
1. Your Consumer Rights and How to Exercise Them.
Crunch collects from Utah residents the categories of Personal Data set forth in Sections 1 and 15.A.1.
Utah Consumers have specific rights with respect to Personal Data we collect about them. Subject to verification and certain limitations, these rights include the following:
a. Disclosing and Selling Your Personal Data. Crunch Sells, as that term is defined by the UCPA, your Personal Data to the categories of third parties listed in section 15.A.1, above. To opt out of the Sale of your Personal Data, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
b. Targeted Advertising. Crunch processes your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising. To opt out of our processing your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
c. Additional Rights:
v. Right to Confirmation and Access. You have the right to request that we confirm whether we are processing your Personal Data and to access such data.
vi. Right To Request Deletion of Your Personal Data. You have the right to request that we delete Personal Data we collected or maintain about you.
vii. Right to Obtain a Copy. You have the right to obtain a copy of your Personal Data that you previously provided to us in a format that to the extent technically feasible, is portable and readily usable format, and allows you to transmit the data to another controller without impediment, where the processing is carried out by automated means.
To submit a request to Access, Delete or Obtain a Copy, please contact the Company by calling (888) 415-1388 or please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
The following Virginia section supplements and amends the Policy to disclose information about our data processing practices and your rights as required by the Virginia Consumer Privacy Act (“VCDPA”). This VCDPA section applies solely to individuals who are residents of the State of Virginia (“Consumers” or “you”).
1. Your Consumer Rights and How to Exercise Them.
Crunch collects from Virginia residents the categories of Personal Data set forth in section 15.A.1.
Virginia Consumers have specific rights with respect to Personal Data we collect about them. Subject to verification and certain limitations, these rights include the following:
a. Disclosing and Selling Your Personal Data. Crunch Sells, as that term is defined by the VCDPA, and discloses your Personal Data to or with the categories of third parties listed in section 15.A.1, above. To opt out of the Sale of your Personal Data, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
b. Targeted Advertising. Crunch processes your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising. To opt out of our processing your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
c. Profiling. We do not process Personal Data for Profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning a Consumer.
d. Additional Rights:
i. Right to Confirmation and Access. You have the right to request that we confirm whether we are processing your Personal Data and to access such data.
ii. Right to Request Correction of Your Personal Data. You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate Personal Data we maintain about you.
iii. Right To Request Deletion of Your Personal Data. You have the right to request that we delete Personal Data we have collected about you.
iv. Right to Obtain a Copy. You have the right to obtain a copy of your Personal Data that you previously provided to us in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format where the processing is carried out by automated means.
Where we process your personal information based on your consent, you may withdraw it; however, we may be unable to provide certain Services.
To submit a request to Access, Correct, Delete, Obtain a Copy, or Withdraw Consent please contact the Company by calling (888) 415-1388 or please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
If we deny your request, you may appeal our decision by emailing privacy@crunch.com.
The following Texas section supplements and amends the Policy to disclose information about our data processing practices and your rights as required by the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA). This TDPSA section applies solely to individuals who are residents of the State of Texas (“Consumers” or “you”).
1. Your Consumer Rights and How to Exercise Them.
Crunch collects from Texas residents the categories of Personal Data set forth in Sections 1 and 15.A.1.
Texas Consumers have specific rights with respect to Personal Data we collect about them. Subject to verification and certain limitations, these rights include the following:
a. Disclosing and Selling Your Personal Data. Crunch Sells, as that term is defined by the TDPSA, and discloses your Personal Data to the categories of third parties listed in section 15.A.1, above. To opt out of the Sale of your Personal Data, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
b. Targeted Advertising. Crunch processes your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising. To opt out of our processing your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
c. Profiling. We do not process Personal Data for Profiling in furtherance of solely automated decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning a Consumer.
d. Additional Rights:
i. Right to Confirmation and Access. You have the right to request that we confirm whether we are processing your Personal Data and to access such data.
ii. Right to Request Correction of Your Personal Data. You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate Personal Data we maintain about you.
iii. Right To Request Deletion of Your Personal Data. You have the right to request that we delete Personal Data we collected or maintain about you.
iv. Right to Obtain a Copy. You have the right to obtain a copy of Personal Data that you previously provided in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format.
Where we process your Personal Data based on your consent, you may withdraw it; however, we may be unable to provide certain Services.
To submit a request to Access, Correct, Delete, Obtain a Copy, or Withdraw Consent please contact the Company by calling (888) 415-1388 please click here: MANAGE MY DATA.
If we deny your request, you may appeal our decision by emailing privacy@crunch.com.
16. Accessibility
Consumers who have a visual disability may be able to use a screen reader or other text-to-speech or text-to-Braille tool to review the contents of this notice. You may also contact privacy@crunch.com if you wish to obtain a copy of this CCPA Section in an alternative format.
17. How can you contact Crunch?
If you have questions regarding our Privacy Policy, our website, or how we use your data, please email privacy@crunch.com. To exercise any rights you may have, please click here: MANAGE MY DATA. For other inquiries about our clubs, please contact us here: CONTACT A CRUNCH GYM.
Or you may send us a request via mail to Crunch Headquarters, at Crunch LLC, PO Box 1918, Old Chelsea Station, NY 10011.
Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated.